When did audio goners now have to pay to see the book value of equipment??

I just went to see some used prices of equipment and now it says you have to pay to see this ? When did this happen? I think this is ridiculous!!!! 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
hifishark is the best place on the planet to see pricing for the given item, in the now and in the past 3-4-5 years.

The blue book or anything else out there, simply cannot compete. Not even close.

hifishark is head and shoulders above anyone and any other website, or system.

If there are some of you that have never been there before..and you go there.. and you see what the website can do, which it can show you, what data you can get and how you can collate, seperate, parse it out....I’d wager that some of you might actually start hyperventilating from the excitement. Seriously. I kid you not.

In any supply and demand situation where there is value involved and the meeting ground is precarious, ie, the ’gon, or the blue book, well..eventually there is someone or something that comes along and takes that value or energy that is being fought over ....and repackages it to their advantage. Hifishark has done exactly that.

Something where everyone gets what they want and each party in the new system or ’way’....find it to be a better bargain. A better deal. When that happens, one of the parties of the old system, the old balance, fades away into total insignificance, it literally dies off.

Hifishark brings the buyers and sellers the data they want, at no cost, and it is better data, best data, data you ain’t never seen before, and never knew existed.

If I want to buy or sell anything audio related, I go to Hifishark. Period. Full Stop.

Availability, trending, pricing via region, number of items per region, in the now and in the past, all malleable.

It’s an audio sniper’s paradise. Hence the name. Shark. The high end audio sniping blood churn. the poll over 300 websites, continuously, for audio related pricing, and now have an extensive back record of old pricing, so the data set is complete. the only place they have no data on, is facebook, a closed system. One of the few if not the only one...where they are big enough to hide their data and not suffer consequence, and don't care. That's ok, I would not urinate on the best part of facebook. Die facebook, die. please. make the world a better place. apologies for the digression.

It also works perfectly for the casual buyer or seller who just wants to get with what is going on and simply buy or sell one item -- with the least hassle. To get that one bit of marketing research to be centric, to be properly functional and connected to what they are doing.

hifishark is nice but you only see asking price. also, audiogon no longer shows the full listing that sold so you don't know if the item was fair condition or excellent. 
Hifishark.com is much better since you can current offerings and completed sale prices.  Hifishark.com has access to much more equipment too.
you can see completed listing prices but not completed sale prices at hifishark.com.  

Ebay does offer completed sales prices and the actual listing using their search filter. That is the most accurate free tool that I know of. 

Every once in a while I will get a DM from someone on a listing service asking what I sold the item for.