When did audio goners now have to pay to see the book value of equipment??

I just went to see some used prices of equipment and now it says you have to pay to see this ? When did this happen? I think this is ridiculous!!!! 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
hifishark is nice but you only see asking price. also, audiogon no longer shows the full listing that sold so you don't know if the item was fair condition or excellent. 
Hifishark.com is much better since you can current offerings and completed sale prices.  Hifishark.com has access to much more equipment too.
you can see completed listing prices but not completed sale prices at hifishark.com.  

Ebay does offer completed sales prices and the actual listing using their search filter. That is the most accurate free tool that I know of. 

Every once in a while I will get a DM from someone on a listing service asking what I sold the item for.  
Well guy's maybe they feel " IF YOU CAN PAY 15 K FOR A PAIR OF SPEAKERS OR PAY 4 K FOR SOME CONNECTORS, you can pay $130.00 for a subscription a year.
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