Schiit order issue - anyone receiving shipments?

Experiencing order receipt delay approaching 2 months.  Schiit unable to clarify when order will be received.  Only receiving template response without focus on my order. No telephone available as co don’t take calls.

I think company may be having problems.
Clearly, schiit is having financial problems.  If it were just COVID they would say this. So it’s more.
While I agree that they should do a better job communicating product delays, it's pretty ridiculous to assume they are having financial problems. It only takes one delayed part to screw up a product schedule.

I don't have any knowledge about Schiit in particular, but I know from other contacts in the audio business that demand is way up, but they are having significant difficulties getting parts from suppliers, making filling orders difficult.

I can certainly understand your frustration though.
They say they are manuf my preamp, yet no word on arrival target, none.  No parts is not a problem.  So they r doing a delay tactic, in the midst of problems running business.  
I ordered the freya+ on Wednesday and reached out to them to check on shipping times, due to what I read in this thread.  Here's what I received back.

"Thank you for your order. We have started to receive the parts needed for the Freya+ and have resumed production and shipping backorders. Due to the number of backorders, it is taking longer than anticipated to fill all the orders. It could possibly be a couple weeks. I’m so sorry for the wait."
Ordered a Freya + November 20 and received it last week. My 4th piece of Schiit gear. What a great sounding, high value, and flexible preamp. Well worth the wait. But I get the OP’s point about communication. BTW - try ordering an oven, dishwasher or telescope these days - lots of pandemic related supply chain problems in consumer goods.