Ok before you go out and buy anything, do this first!
Take a good look behind your equipment. Look at all the power and signal cables. Make sure all of them cross each other at about 90 degrees. No parallel cables should be touching or near each other.
Anything running parallel should be at least 12" apart...better if it is 18".
To some degree, reorganize your components to accommodate better cable management.
Undo looping cable. Use shorter and longer power cables to tailor to the need.
If you need, use small blocks of wood or zip ties or velcro to create separation and organization.
Also get rid of wall warts and non audio equipment connected to the line.
Separate the analog stuff from the digital stuff. They should not share the same line.
This worked for me...and I have 2 dedicated audio lines. The noise appeared when I quickly and carelessly changed out my power conditioner for another. The noise is most likely coming from your own equipment.
Look inside any point to point wired preamp or amp...everything crosses at 90 for this same reason.
Take a good look behind your equipment. Look at all the power and signal cables. Make sure all of them cross each other at about 90 degrees. No parallel cables should be touching or near each other.
Anything running parallel should be at least 12" apart...better if it is 18".
To some degree, reorganize your components to accommodate better cable management.
Undo looping cable. Use shorter and longer power cables to tailor to the need.
If you need, use small blocks of wood or zip ties or velcro to create separation and organization.
Also get rid of wall warts and non audio equipment connected to the line.
Separate the analog stuff from the digital stuff. They should not share the same line.
This worked for me...and I have 2 dedicated audio lines. The noise appeared when I quickly and carelessly changed out my power conditioner for another. The noise is most likely coming from your own equipment.
Look inside any point to point wired preamp or amp...everything crosses at 90 for this same reason.