Anyone ever try to toe-out?

Before I screw around with spiked speakers on this a nutty thing to try on one side to even out the soundstage? Due to unavoidable reflections, one speaker is overly prominent compared to the other.
I already have a thread going in which all kinds of folks offered other help/solutions/ideas around this situation. Thank you, all. Lots of things to try.
I'm just curious about this one question. Anyone ever experiment with toeing out to cut down an overly prominent side?
Thanks for all the help.Let me respond to a couple of people who seem to have questions.  I tried putting 1 foot in and 1 foot out and shaking it all about, but it turns out the hokey pokey is an ineffective strategy for equalizing soundstage.As to why I haven’t simply experimented, and instead I’ve started an unnecessary thread: I have spikes on the speaker, they are quite heavy, I’m older with a bad back, and I am uncommonly lazy. If someone can tell me something in a forum instead of me having to go try it, I’ll pursue that option. On the other hand, if this strategy annoys people, I’ll stop.
As I mentioned in my original email, I was just wondering if anyone had tried toeing out, not currently wondering about  all the other things I could do, which my other thread has made me aware of.
I figured that toeing out was a stupid idea and three or four people would tell me so and that would be that.So I hope I haven’t wasted anyone’s time with this. I just don’t have anyone to talk to that has an interest in audiophile stuff (my wife makes fun of me when I talk about speakers now), so forums are my outlet, and these days I guess I need more outlets than usual.
I don’t think toeing them out is a good idea and agree with @b_limo that toeing them in would make more sense.  If you can’t move the speaker further away from the side wall you can try some absorptive material on the wall at the reflection point or use the balance control (if you have one) if all else fails.  Best of luck. 
No need to apologize M6!  Not many audiofools out there to share the hobby with, hence this forum!

You could get a few panels from gik for $200 delivered and just use them in the corner where the speaker is.  
Also, I get the bad back thing.  Its easy to adjust toe.  Just lift the speaker up on one spike and spin, then put back down.  You can even walk a speaker around depending on which spike you rotate from.

I’m pretty sure I’m the one who suggested those Atc’s to you...  Thanks for taking my advice; good to see it doesn’t fall on deaf ears.  How are you liking them?