Better Amp for Cornwall IV's...

...Parasound 2250 v.2 / 200 Pre combo, which I own, or Denon PMA-1600NE integrated, which I don't, but I admire the build quality and appearance of?  My Parasound is rated 275W into 8 Ohms / 400W into 4, while the Denon is 70W into 8 and 140 into 4.  Of course, the Klipsch Cornwall IV's are quite sensitive and are rated 8 Ohms.  Maybe more than which is better, which would you all prefer?
I assure anyone who cares that the Cornwall IV can achieve extremely loud levels with only 20 watts of tube power in a relatively large room. I do it all the time.
Six months of listening to the cornwall iv’s paired with a mc275 MK VI and a c2600 preamp has definitely changed my attitude towards tubes. 

I have the Cornwall IVs.  I agree with so much above.  They are very versatile--you could swap amps to your hearts content to change the sound.  

How big is your room?  How loud do you like to listen? 

I do think you should try tubes or Class A.  

I have a 300B SET that sounds great but it's not enough power. I know folks will say that's sacrilegious, but it's true for me and I don't listen that loud.  I do like it, but I prefer my Primaluna integrated (modified).   

The thing with the Cornwalls is they are so efficient you are really going to hear all of the amps positives and shortcomings. 

I hate to spend your money... but if I could...are you open to trying different stuff?  I think you might want to.  Some solid state offerings can sound dry, brittle, harsh (you name it) with these speakers. 
why not try a rega brio? i was impressed with the mellow overall sound of this amp. it is good for about 70 wpc peak power, from what i've read, more than enough for your cornwalls. when you turn up the volume on this baby, you just get more volume, and not more distortion, one of the few in its price range you can say that about.