Harley quote

Regarding two aftermarket power cables: "These differences in the shapes of the musical waveforms are far too small to see or measure with even the most sophisticated technology, yet we as listeners not only routinely discriminate such differences, we sometimes find musical meaning in these differences."

 Nonsense. Just because people claim to "routinely discriminate" differences doesn't mean it's true or they're right. Apparently many have witnessed UFOs but that doesn't mean they actually saw extraterrestrial visitors, does it? Some have seen/heard a deity speaking to them "routinely"; does that imply that they are surely communing with an unseen/unmeasurable spiritual force(s)? Can we not put a little more effort into confirmatory reality-testing first when "the most sophisticated technology" can find nothing in 2020? (Of course, speaker cables can measure differently as per here, here, even if not necessarily audible in many cases by the time we connect amp to speaker.)

I see no trolling. I see one reviewers debatable opinion of another. An excellent analysis by hilde45. Patented insults from MC in lieu of any rational response which he is incapable of (clown scribe.) And the usual blabbering from oldhvymec (even though we love him so...)
I guess csmgolf IS the troll.
Actually, every response you have made from the OP through the rest of the thread is classic trolling. Too bad you can't see it. 
Regarding two aftermarket power cables: "These differences in the shapes of the musical waveforms are far too small to see or measure with even the most sophisticated technology, yet we as listeners not only routinely discriminate such differences, we sometimes find musical meaning in these differences."

There are two type of people who make these statements:

1) Those who try to equate the relatively simple two dimensional aspect of signal transmission (time and amplitude) with either vastly more complex things like sound fields, or with completely unrelated things.

2) People who don’t have a good handle on electricity, electronics, physics, math, or related as well as no concept about what we can measure and to what precision. They probably also discount every experiment that pokes a hole in their magical view of human perception too.

3) Marketers.

We no doubt will find out new things about the physical properties of material and electrical conduction, but we can already measure the results (i.e. the actual conduction) to precision well beyond human perception.

What's funny is these people will be the first to put down or attempt to discredit scientists and engineers who have done the work, --unless-- what those scientists and engineers say agrees with what they already believe.
The list of things that have been asserted here at the 'gon that do not matter / performance cannot be measured consequently cannot improve a system:

1) Speakers
2) Amplifiers
3) Pre-amps
4) Cables
5) Transports
6) DACs
7) Servers / Renderers
8) Isolation
9) Tweaks (that list is long and deep)
10) Carts over $XX price point

I am sure I am missing some. Those who fall into these camps should all get together and start "Shibboleth Audio", where "You Can't Tell the Difference".