Better Amp for Cornwall IV's...

...Parasound 2250 v.2 / 200 Pre combo, which I own, or Denon PMA-1600NE integrated, which I don't, but I admire the build quality and appearance of?  My Parasound is rated 275W into 8 Ohms / 400W into 4, while the Denon is 70W into 8 and 140 into 4.  Of course, the Klipsch Cornwall IV's are quite sensitive and are rated 8 Ohms.  Maybe more than which is better, which would you all prefer?
Best option for cheap sound- Decware. Parasound will no longer be in the
"Yes, but...I really like my Parasound pair, too!"

Can't fault you there, nice rig.

Pass Labs Aelph Zero Class A monoblocks work well with Klipsch. I have 1974 Heresy and LaScala
You mentioned an open box unit from Crutchfield.  IIRC, they will let you return within a reasonable length of time if you don't like it with your speakers.
I'd sure want to make sure I had full return privileges before going that route.  It was discounted pretty heavily (almost $400), so that would be a good way to try one and at least see if I liked it.  And if not, or if it was a little TOO scratched and/or dented, let them have it back.  But...I'm always reluctant to return anything unless it's pretty bad.  I shouldn't feel that way, but I do.