I admire Miles Davis, i admire Stravinsky; but i loved Chet Baker and Scriabin...You?

What we listen to we cannot trace always a border between cold or cool admiration and heart wrenching love at first sight....

I admire Bach without limit but i love also him dearly....Here admiration and love are one....

The first time li listen to Chet Baker i was not even sure if it was a great trumpetist, but i love him without knowing why....

More i listen to Miles Davis more i admire him but i still wait for love to come....I like it a lot but it is not love and i know the first time i listen to him why he is a great trumpetist, unlike Chet, his mastering of the instrument was evident.... For Chet i listen not the trumpet but the voice of his instrument, i even forgot he was playing the trumpet and the question if he was great was secondary....Miles was great without any doubts.... But i am in love with Chet because he touch my heart.....

Sometimes the frontier between these 2 are less clear, i admire Brahms but i like him more than i love him.... Bruckner i admire him like a new Bach and i love him like our old grandpa with a feeling that will never end....

I admire Monteverdi at the level of my admiration for Bach, but i like him only , it is not this passionnate love that changes my heart and life like with those i love...

I love Bill Evans dearly but i admire Keith Jarrett greatly but without any passion....

I admire and love Vivaldi at the same times.....

I admire Telemann, Haendel, Haydn more than i love them..... I am in love with Purcell tough and Josquin Desprez.....

I admire Hildegard the Bingen and i love her without words.... I am in love with the organ composer Pachelbel but i only admire Palestrina....

I admire Arvo Part very much, but am i in love? No....Excep perhaps for one or 2 of his work: Alina for example....I admire and love Gorecki symphony of tears but not much the rest....Only respect for the rest of his works....

I admire Arrau, Horowitz, many pianists but am i in love? No, but i am in total love with Ervin Nyiregyházi , Ivan Moravec, or Sofronitsky....

I admire the composer Sorabji almost like Bach but dont feel any love at all....Deep fascination and admiration for a genius  that never speak from the heart to the heart, only from his brain to my brain.... But what a genius ! 

I admire many, many, female singers, but i am in love with only a few, i love Billie Holiday, Marianne Anderson for example....

I will not go on with my list any longer...

But what speak to our heart and what speak to our brain is not the same and sometimes some music speak for us to the 2 part of ourselves...

But one thing must me clear, i dont want to live without the great musicians whom i only admire. I like them like interesting friends, even if i am not changed by love at first sight with them, swimming in the sea of adoration....

What are those you admire but only like ? What are those you clearly are in love with?

When the brain speak first and always, it is admiration and friendship not love.... In love there is a mystery in with we participate and which transform our life....

Those who we admire gives us pleasure.... Those who we love gives us not only that but an ultimate meaning that go to your heart.....

Listening music is learning to listen into the many levels in us where music can reach and transform us.... Each music or musician has this potential to change us at a level or at another one, or at all levels simultaneously....But for sure it is different for each of us......

I apologize if my OP makes no sense for some.... I hope my question will make sense for some....


Yeah, as Miles himself would often say: the silence says more than the notes.

Yeah, as Miles himself would often say: the silence says more than the notes.
Anyone who like Jazz like Miles Davis...

My question is not about hating something... If you read my last post it is explained...this is it:

 LIKING is related to the brain and the admiration is justified by an a posteriori reflexion...It is related to the fact that some composers ask in us for an adaptation who made ourself able to taming them...

LOVING is related to the heart and the emotion is spontaneous and direct without a posteriori analysis...

It is this way because emotions contains an a priori analysis...

Pascal: " the heart has his reasons that the reason ignore".

Then we must look at your list if we want to know you and comparing your intellectual and emotional motivated choices....

I bet people now begins to understand why a list pondered by the polarities of the heart and brain is very instructive and said to us something which pertain to the character of the person who has chosen the list more clearly than just a linear list....

We can then imagine ourself listening to a composer with the perspective given to us by an other who like or love a specific composer... If we do that it is helping us to relativize our own choices and then we learn something about ourself too...

This is the OBJECTIVE REASON for my thread....Not imposing my tastes.... 😌Or not for other to impose their tastes...

Behind my thread is a real question....

MY best to you....
Sorry guys, but for my taste Bach is a bit monotone and homogeneous, as some other baroque   composers including Purcell, whom, by the way I also like (as well as Bach), but no more I am so much excited with them (I think there are much less "monotone" composers of more or les the same period, e.g., Handel, Scarlatti).  On contrary, Tchaikovsky's  music is  very wide and different, from Liturgy of St. John Chrystostom (I love it) to his symphonies, conciertos etc.  This is indeed admirable, at least (the same for other Russian composers including Rimski-Korsakov who was not mentioned in this thread). There is some analogy in paintings for me. There are painting that I like  at the first glance, but more I look at them, less I like them, and there are painting which i do not like from the first glance (I think they are just interesting), but more I observe them, more I like them. I would attach Bach to the first category and Tchaikovsky to the second one. By the way, Emerson, Lake & Palmer (my favorite rock group) did a very nice and important, from my point of view, interpretations of these and other classic composers (in general, I don't like interpretations of the classical music, but this is an exception for me). 

Similarly, in jazz, e.g., Chet Baker is good but he is too monotone to my taste (by the way, I like his singing as well), and I do love Miles Davis. Not only he has promoted large number of other outstanding artists, his music is too diverse starting from his pure jazz period, then he created his own  jazz style with Hancock,  Carter and Williams, then the fusion/electric music from late 60s, and finally he even approached rag before he passed away. For me, these two artists are incomparable. Of course, I like Coltrane (his active period was a bit short, but not as short as that of Jimi Hendrix, I love him). Like Miles Davis, he did created his own moods in jazz and pushed following jazz artists including Charles Lloyd, who was also able to create his own jazz mood (one of the greatest living jazz artists for me). 

First thank you for your very interesting post, which is food for our own tought....

And i appreciate particularly this part that illustrate perfectly the frame of my question/answers and my appeal to the  thinking of us all  about the many other possible answers  about the same composers or group of composers than our own....

There is some analogy in paintings for me. There are painting that I like at the first glance, but more I look at them, less I like them, and there are painting which i do not like from the first glance (I think they are just interesting), but more I observe them, more I like them. I would attach Bach to the first category and Tchaikovsky to the second one.

The more i think about that the more i think that the history of music reflect itself in us differently and touch us on spots with a different emphasis that reflect our own individual soul’s histories and events...

«History mirror itself in us but we strike back »-Anonymus Smith
Thanks for your response and an interesting observation, mahgister. Perhaps, out perception of art, and , in particular, of music has to do something with our previous lives ...