Stereo Times list of the " 2020 MOST WANTED COMPONENTS"

Stereo Times ( has just posted its annual list of the MOST WANTED gear for 2020. I believe that you GON members would find it an interesting and informative read.
Although not mentioned but is shown with the The G.E.M. Dandy Polytable, is the G.E.M. Dandy rubber cork compound turntable mat, a steal of a deal at less than $40 bucks. One of the best aftermarket upgrades I’ve made for my table. Thanks Teajay
I've read several very positive comments and reviews regarding the LSA 20 Signature speakers listed in the article.  Has anyone here listened to these speakers or own these speakers?  If so, what are your comments or opinions these speakers?  Thanks.

what defines ’most wanted’?? by whom? for whom? for whose benefit?

more grist for the mill, the self-interested/self-serving marketing machine grinds on

not to say the equipment mentioned is bad, but basis for inclusion/exclusion is not disclosed... neither is selection criteria

yet another cooperative effort by those wanting eyeballs and those equipment makers wanting exposure to boost sales
I am getting delivery of 1 of the items on the list tomorrow, the  Coda Technology CSib integrated though I paid half price. It is supposed to sound pretty good.