Is it a great scientific book because it supports the beliefs you already have, or is it a great book because it had undergone rigorous peer review for accuracy and reasonableness of its conclusions? I could go into this in some detail, but I will only offer this quote, from the author of that book, as my counterpoint and let others decide the likely accuracy of said book.
Is this relevant to a discussion of audio? It is, because it illustrates how we allow our beliefs to influence what information we decide to accept or not, even if the vast vast balanced of data and knowledge is counter to our beliefs. It is good to question everything, including yourself.
“There were these giant reptiles called dinosaurs that actually did go on the ark — and they came off the ark,” said Clarey, whose One Foundation-sponsored talk Friday on the GCU campus, called “Genesis, Global Flood and Giant Reptiles,” spanned the gamut of his research on the Bible’s great flood and how dinosaurs fit into the Bible story.
Is this relevant to a discussion of audio? It is, because it illustrates how we allow our beliefs to influence what information we decide to accept or not, even if the vast vast balanced of data and knowledge is counter to our beliefs. It is good to question everything, including yourself.