Acoustic Zen Adagio Speakers?

Looking to audition a pair of these in the LI area. Anybody? The overwhelming positive chatter that I read on line, wether from professional reviewers, or private owners, caught my attention!
Thank you for your time.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my thread. Let me be very clear, I'm not looking to get rid of my Merlins. However, the overwhelming reviews, wether professionals or private users, have awaken my curiosity and would very much like to audition them and see what the hubbub is all about.

Once in a while, I like to audition whatever else is out there.
9-14-11: Audiofreakgeek

"You have a better pair of speakers already."

Finally, someone with actual experience with these two.
I assume you did compare them with the same electronics in the same room. In what way were the Merlins better? Thanks.
I have the Adagios and like them a lot; though, after making some major upgrades this summer, I am still NOT totally hearing what I want. Also, going from a Creek SE5350classic INTEGRATED AMP to a Bel Canto PRe3 pre-amp, and Red Dragon digital monoblocks, and klast year last going to AZ's Hologram 2 speaker cable,.... the soundstage seems to have shrunk to the space between the speakers....probably just a matter of adjusting the speaker place.
To answer your thread more specifically...and maybe radically, I would audition a pair of Martin Logan's Electro-Motion ESL speakers which retail for $2200. I have read some very positive press about them; they were the buzz at the January CES show in Vegas; but, I have not heard them yet... maybe in the a few weeks when visiting Los Angeles. The traditional shop talk about ML speakers is they require careful room placement, tend to lose imaging if you shift your head or stand up, and have a narrow sweet spot. However, when set-up correctly can sound incredibly boxless, and natural, at the same time accurate and with above average dynamics; it is worth a shot. The Adagios are very good speakers with excellent construction and looks,... but they also are overpriced. Also after 20 months of ownership, I have concluded, they need to be played on the loud side to sound their best...of course that may be me, or declining hearing which I don't believe I have yet. Good Luck, Jim
09-16-11: Sunnyjim

"but they also are overpriced"

Overpriced comparing to what?
Personally, I think the price is OK. I highly doubt anyone pays their MSRP. You just need to get the right amplification for them, and they're absolutely fine for the price.
I agree that they need to be played aloud so the can perform its best. I am very happy witth them , Got them NEW at 3000 from a Dealer in LA, with MAPA BURL finish and they look very good crafted, regarding the sound, I doubt there are many speakers out there on the 3000-4000 range that can equal their performance. But of course, I haven't heard them all...