audio2design, Allow me to explain a bit more the discussion in the book by Dr. Clarey, which mirrors the biblical text. The text is quite clear that the initial "rain event" (but seemingly much more involved) was 40 days. There is discussion in the text of the water going down after 150 days such that the Ark was grounded, and then subsiding until about 1 year later Noah exits the Ark. There is no twisting and manipulation of the text going on; rather, there is discussion in the book Carved In Stone of how the geologic record supports the text.
The volcanic activity is discussed in detail in the book. The volcanic activity occurs in the fifth and sixth mega sequences, at about the time the flood covers all the land - and all the people on land, as well as animals, die from the flood. There is also discussion of why there are not many humans in the fossil record. I recall reading in another work that, at the time, perhaps 10-15 years ago, the total globally of discovered human fossil remains could cover a billiard table. That’s not much, so obviously there should be a reason why there are so little human remains if there was a Flood. The book does a credible job of explaining that.
One thing I found interesting is that typically dinosaurs are buried with sea fossils. Various explanations are given by uniformitarians for this, such as even though the forms of sea life perfectly match saltwater/sea life, they must have been fresh water creatures, because... a priori the Flood has been ruled out. Instead of handling the evidence as presented, excuses are made to dismiss the obvious fossil evidence.
For a proper model of the Flood one would have to account for the sea level at the time, and the land masses and their height. The book does all this. The action of runaway subduction is not a simple concept, and a great deal of attention is paid to discussing the principles involved in subduction and how the early sea would have likely interacted with it.
There are six mega sequences (tsunami action and aftermath) that are clearly identifiable in the rock strata. All of the particulars of the tsunamis and how they likely interacted with the land and to what extent in each megasequence- in fact, maps and charts based on the oil companies data - are provided extensively, again, showing the rock strata, both depth, which has been measured for each mega sequence, and material/type of rock, are discussed in detail. The data are presented for North America, South America and Africa, for the entire continents.
Consequently, from this perspective, there were not several exitinction events, but different "waves" of deposition of the dead animals from the megasequences. Objections to the concept of separate extinction events, including measurements that contradict the idea of meteor bombardment, are presented.
I think that scientifically inclined persons, whether skeptical or believing, would find it an interesting read. One thing is for sure; this is not a fluff, religious discussion without some rigorous data and expertise in interpreting geologic forms and events!