Turn Table Cable Length

I'm thinking of moving my TT to a new location that would involve cabling of about 20'.  While I appreciate great audio, perfection isn't my hunt.  I know there may be some things I give up and I'm OK with that.  Please share your thoughts on this if you don't mind.

Ag insider logo xs@2xsjmccarthy
At 20 feet, to say perfection isn't in the hunt is, uh, redundant. So buy 20 feet of wire. Whatever.
Wow, MC. That was so productive and helpful to the OP. You're a humble genius shines through yet again. Anyhow, for the OP, there are lots of threads here about the efficiency of interconnect cable length. Generally the shorter the better; however, is there any way you can move your amplification to where your turntable is and just get longer speaker cable?
If possible install a phono stage with balanced output close to the turntable and use 20' cable connect to your preamp line in.