Parasound Hint 6 or separates?

Has anyone compared the Parasound Hint 6 Integrated with the separates upon which it is based, the P6 preamp and A23+ amp? Are there any advantages using these specific separates over the convenience of the Hint 6 integrated? The price is almost identical. Thanks.
I have had both, though I went with the A21 vs A23. The separates vs the int were very close with the exception of the power of the a21. Sonically they were pretty much the same with maybe a bit more air with the separates. Either way, I really believe they are hard to beat in either guise for the $$$$.
@drowe  - Do you own either of the setups from Parasound? If not, are you open to other manufacturers, or just Parasound?

For what it's worth, I've been in this game for 40 years and I've gone from separates to integrated, and back, multiple times. I've settled on Integrated due to less complexity, fewer cables and less real-estate on the audio rack. I'm currently using a Rega Elicit-R Integrated amp, and I love it.
Many moons ago, I used to own A23 and P5 and compared it to the Halo integrated that my dealer was kind enough to let me borrow for a week. There was absolutely no difference in sound quality. It was only when I went up to A21 that the improvements justified the ’separates’ route. Now, I understand the possibility that my experience is irrelevant with respect to the newer P6 and Hint 6, so take it with a grain of salt.

FWIW, I ended up selling my Parasound stack as I found it to be just so so. IMO, Parasound makes decent gear but it does not in any way punches above its class in 2021 anymore. And I agree with @reubent that you should not limit yourself to Parasound unless you’re dead set on it.

Thanks for the responses. No, I am not completely sold on Parasound. I am concerned with power, though, due to my speakers and large listening room. The Hint 6 offers a lot of watts for the money compared to most competing integrateds in its price range. So that is really it's one major selling point. Hegel integrateds looks enticing as well - similar power but a bit more money layout. I'd welcome other suggestions.