Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
"Do you see the lunatic world we have created here?" 
Ah, yes, I see. Does the giant brain care to share any more of his HIPAA protected information on the audio forum?
Post removed 
Instead of being pissed off and grumpy why don’t you show some F’ing gratitude that you either survived:  1. Covid. A disease thats taken almost 400,000 lives in this country. Or 2. Community acquired pneumonia, which still is around the number 8 cause of death in this country.
It’s a novel disease, FFS. Treatments are evolving as are the tests for it. Just be grateful your alive and healthy and stop lashing out.
Geez, miller.
That’s the longest answer to a simple yes so no question I’ve ever seen.
Did you ever get around to answering? I fell asleep.