Used to be that people with "far out" views of how things worked lived in obscurity, believing what they believed, going on with life, angry at the world perhaps, but content because they were somewhat shielded from it.
Fast forward to now. Not only are they no longer shielded, but they can embrace their views, stand on their soap box, and gather a like audience. But just like the world is no long shielded from their "far out" views, they are not shielded from having them any more.
People love to share their beliefs, they want everyone to agree with them to validate those beliefs, but like all things based on belief, they don't stand up well to scrutiny.
So why are people angry?
- People hate having their beliefs questioned and challenged
- Some don't suffer fools easily
Did you see how I did an analysis of why people are angry while making people angry at the same time? Yep, its a gift :-)
Fast forward to now. Not only are they no longer shielded, but they can embrace their views, stand on their soap box, and gather a like audience. But just like the world is no long shielded from their "far out" views, they are not shielded from having them any more.
People love to share their beliefs, they want everyone to agree with them to validate those beliefs, but like all things based on belief, they don't stand up well to scrutiny.
So why are people angry?
- People hate having their beliefs questioned and challenged
- Some don't suffer fools easily
Did you see how I did an analysis of why people are angry while making people angry at the same time? Yep, its a gift :-)