What kind of listening chair

Should your critical listening chair be high-back, low-back, or a stool?  Wood, leather, or fabric?
Recliner, overstuffed, soft and velour-covered.  Sit upright but with the footrest kicked up. 

Left speaker front about 8 feet from the wall behind them 2 feet from left wall (long wall).  Right speaker about 7 feet from the wall behind them 3 + feet from the right wall (long wall).  Area behind the speakers is a small artificial ficus forest (around a dozen 5 footer, some on stands) to act as a large diffuser.  

Listening position is equal distant from each speaker slightly off room long centerline in a roughly equilateral triangle, slightly stretched, between speakers and listening position.  The speakers are slightly canted out equally relative to the listening position.  Other artificial ficus trees are scattered around the room to act as diffusers.  

There is a method to the madness in asymmetrical placement of the speakers.  Combined with the ficus acting as diffusers, midrange and upper bass room resonances are almost completely eliminated.  Sound is quite good, most satisfying.  And the fici are much more attractive than tube traps or ugly wall hangings.
Just make sure your cushion chair isn't messing with you ears and you're good.  No big grandpaw cloudy chairs.
Its a love seat and it has low, mid back plush fabric. I sit three quarters to the right. Plenty of room to keep things, like remotes, to the left. I feel that a lower back is the best option.