Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
"...only 2% of our employees to get the vaccine have required ED treatment, and only half of those wound up in ICU."

Only women ended up in ICU?
jond4... I never claimed that Cahill was an expert and certainly neither am I. There is always two sides to a coin.. What  I do know and live by no one and assume nothing. With a track record like Pfizer’s..can you really trust the motives behind that company’s past and present lack of integrity with the demons they harbor within their own company’s business culture? If people chose to use their product..well have at it..but for me I will take a pass..until I have been enlightened contrary to what the powers that be seem seem to want.. which is a quick fix for a very complicated disease.....Stay safe!
" what the powers that be seem seem to want.. which is a quick fix for a very complicated disease..."

I want that too.