MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?

I’m considering one of these. Please share your thoughts, especially if you’ve heard them. I will be streaming 70% and CD’s 30%

Jazz, R&B and classical in that order are my listening habits.

My room is 20x30 and very nice acoustics.

Current system:
Dali Epicon 8, Luxman 509X, PS Audio NuWave DSD, Cambridge CXC, Shunyata interconnects & Nordost speaker cable

Thank you!!!

Cal3713, thanks for the input! 1 more question for everybody... I’m using 97 dB sensitive speakers and always concerned about noise floor, any of the main dacs in discussion have any discernible noise? Thanks so much, this a great, informative thread!
I'm supposedly at 94db/1w/1m and haven't had any problems at all with the dacs listed above. The only product I've had an issue with is the PS Audio Directstream, although they improved the noise floor issue somewhat with firmware updates.
Also, a slight clarification for my previous post in the AM section.  Hopefully the implied qualification wasn't lost.  Should read as:  "Provides a more 3-dimensional image than any other dac [I've heard in my system]"
Hello all - newbie here. There's a lot of exotic sounding DACs in this thread - can I ask if any of your have found the Chord DACs competitive, or maybe even better, than some of these aforementioned ones here.
I'm thinking along the lines of the more affordable Chord Qutest - reviews have always been consistently good - but many of your experiences here of all these DACs would be very useful feedback against the Chord.
One example review here which really stands out:
Hi everyone,
I just got my own stock Orchid with WE 369 tube. The mid range from it is the best I have ever heard in years. Very detailed, smooth and musical. 

However, there are some areas that I wish it can improve: the dynamics, high and bass. Do you think that Orchid should be more dynamic, the bass should be tighter, and high should be more airy? I believe these areas can somehow improve by upgrades. 

Could you advise which upgrades are available for Orchid and which upgrade improves which area? 

Thank you for your input. 