There are trolls that purposely attempt to disrupt a conversation with misinformation given in an authoritative context. They can then argue their point until the opposition wears down and capitulates. I’ve been involved in a few of those and yes, I get testy.
Plus people are generally angry over COVID and the political events of the past few years, regardless of their affiliation. Yes, we live in the land of plenty and have plenty to be tankful for, but many feel those freedoms and cornicopia are being eroded or compromised by uncaring individuals in business and government.
And, it just may be that the protagonist just didn’t get it from his wife/girlfriend/boyfriend last night.
Plus people are generally angry over COVID and the political events of the past few years, regardless of their affiliation. Yes, we live in the land of plenty and have plenty to be tankful for, but many feel those freedoms and cornicopia are being eroded or compromised by uncaring individuals in business and government.
And, it just may be that the protagonist just didn’t get it from his wife/girlfriend/boyfriend last night.