Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
OK I got my Sars - Cov 19.  First shot on the 14th. Yes I did fine. I got a little achy. I ate a good meal and took 600 mg Ibuprofen with two glasses of water every 6-8 hours.. I feel fine.

Moderna / 011J20 (or ZO) A. Horrible penmanship.

Second. I have never seen so many health care workers, that close together in my life. TALKING!!! Every protocol that was in place for social distancing was being violated by the health care workers.  Where is the friggin BOSS. I was just watching MYSELF, I couldn't keep my distance safe BECAUSE..

1000 pound clusters of "three" all over the place TALKING, with clip boards. While the NORMAL 20% did ALL the work, including herding the TONNAGE, out of the patience ways... 5 times I said "6 feet is 6 feet, MOVE, PLEASE" standing in door ways TALKING from one side to the other as patience walked by...?????????????????????????????

YOUR tax dollar barely working...

The actual people I worked with, AS usual were the professionals.
I love efficient, hard workers, that make it look easy to just be there and make you feel safe and cared for... MY MOTHER.... Yup... 

Get it folks.. 28 day I get the second dose, THAT is the actual vaccine to offer pretty good immunity after another 10-15 days.  40-42 days total.

NOW if I can keep from getting ran over, between now and then...:-)
and remember, I'm still a carrier just by virtue of walking through it... 
I still loose the shoes on the wet porch, and remove my outer clothes.

IN HAND to the dryer, and tossed for 15 on high. Clean my hands and the dryer handles. 

I been taking the dog twice a week to the islands (poor baby, in a cage). She Rats there for an hour or so. No contact with people.  Were both getting some exercise. Hate rats, both kinds... Though good eatin' one kind any ways, gotta have a tail...NO long pig....

Regards..  Now Back To Mrs Patsy. Crazy...I like Linda Ronstadt's version too.
I already had the COVID and yes I know I can get it again.
Mask only prevent the spread and I wash my hands like crazy. Before you freak out I do wear a mask though it is not required in TX. Unless you are Austin (bad down there, El Paso, Houston and Dallas proper)

I was sick for a week but i took a full month to be 70%. Still have back pain, neck pain and get rashes but that maybe my Simplex 2 flaring up (just kidding)
I will get the shot once they get to letting us youngsters have it.

I was born in Waco.  I have kin and spent time in Moody, Mcgregor, and Temple.  I love Texas...Use to be a WHOLE different Republic, when I was a kid..

 Austin too, I have a few deaf cousins there (and outlying communities).. LARGE community of non hearing folks there..

MILLERCARBON.  It is not a war on Communists.  COVID-19 is Mother Nature's current defense for Earth's grotesque overpopulation by humans, who are too self centered to protect our planet from our selfish destruction.