Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris
George said:

You are the rumour spreader, not once have I said Class-D is bad,

Sorry, we are all going to go and giggle for hours. And hours.  And hours. 

If Class D was even 10% as bad as he makes it out to be it would be a non-issue.
Laugh all you like, Putz!
Like I said you are the rumour spreader, not once have I said Class-D is bad, if fact I’ve praised the Hypex NC500 with linear power supply monoblocks (given the right loading) that I own in my second system. Class-D has yet to reach the same sound quality as good linear amp in the upper mids and highs.

What you need to get right, is that I say Class-D the way it’s used (except for the Techincs SE-R1) has problems that MANY hear in the upper mids/highs, the deaf may not hear it.
And this is a long way being fixed in the Technics SE-R1 by having a 1.5mhz switching frequency/low order output filter instead of 400-600khz as all are today.

And those that are, or going to use the GaN transistor technology have the chance "to use 1.5mhz", but don’t, probably because they don’t have the R&D knowledge skill of Technics behind them to do it.

And btw Cyril Hammer was the first to say this, even before GaN transistors were released to the market. And has more solid state knowledge in his little toe than some "tuber" here saying anything else.

Cyrill Hammer (Soulution)
"if you want to have your Class-D product performing at the cutting edge it is not possible with todays known switching technologies. In order to come close to the performance of the best linear design we would need high-current semiconductors that provide switching frequencies of several MHz or even GHz."

I don't see anything in Cyrill Hammer's bio that would suggest the extensive knowledge in signal processing or advanced control theory or even ultra high speed switching for analog reconstruction that would make his opinion any more valid than many many others, and perhaps less. That GHz comment really makes me suspect his depth of knowledge on the topic is really quite weak.

I like my class D NAD M27 amp. It sounds amazing and is dead black quiet. Highs, mids, bass is all steller. It is solid trouble free, built very well and runs cool. Not looking back. I tried D-Sonic as well. It sounded amazing but I had an issue with one channel and it was solid, well built to.

I will stick to class D and don't see any issues.

I also have a vintage Sansui AU11000a in my stereo setup which I bought new in 1977 which sounds sweet and warmer but I like both. Sansui runs quite warm.
This isn't a thread on what class D you like. What's the NAD's 2-ohm rating? doesn't appear to be published.
Look, right now there are two H2O Audio S250 Signature amps for sale on US Audiomart. These are real 2-ohm amps that handle Scintillas easily. Plus, they're under $2K. Enough said.