What is the best speaker cable for Wilson Sabrina X?

I am using 211 tube amp and doing well with Wilson Sabrina X and I would like to know if there is any best speaker cables for Sabrina X? Perhaps Transparent? or Jorma Design?  Any recommendations is appreciated
If you’re using tubes, Try Nordost first. Low-power tubes can’t cope with garden hose speaker cable. BTW, Harmonic Technology is making speaker wire now that looks like Nordost’s cousin...
+1 to Transparent, a little out of the box but give ‘The Wall Premium’ and ‘The Wall Reference’ a listen.  Reasonably priced, and for me at least an excellent match for my WATT Puppies.  I ended up choosing the Premium and preferred the sound bare copper right to the binding post.  Otherwise yeah, what MC said, spin the wheel.