looking for a Integrated amp $6,000 range

I'm looking for a Integrated amp without DAC any suggestions ? 
“I was looking at the Accupahse e480 but just cant justify the us mark up”

Completely a valid concern, buy used if you can cause in the end it’s the Accuphase superlative sound and built that will keep you smiling for years. I own the E-650, truly a end game integrated for me.
I totally agree with you. It’s just a shame that if you lived in Canada it would cost you about  $9,000 US but here in the states it’s $13 k ....
I bought the CODA CSiB last week and I love it. I paid $3.4K used and it is $6.5K new.

I am getting the Krell K-300i in a few days for another set of speakers. That is $7K MSRP without the DAC.
