VAC Signature Mk IIa SE vs Pass Labs XP-32

I am considering both of these Pre-Amps and was looking for anyone that has heard both or has a strong opinion one way or another.  Rest of System Includes:

Chord Dave
Chord M-Scaler
PS Audio BHK Pre (Looking to move this to the family room system and upgrade for my main system)
Antipodes CX + EX
Pass Labs XA-60.8 Monoblocks
Harbeth Super HL5+

My understanding of both is that they are highly resolving, superb sound-stage and both add a sense of warmth.  Based on the specs both should work without issues.  
I can't speak to the VAC stuff.  I've demo'd the current pass line-up.  (xp12, 22, 32).

Demo'd with a few amps, but the 100.8's primarily.  Like most things in audio there is a law of diminishing returns.  But I did feel the upgrade from the xp12 to the 22 was pretty substantial.  The 32 was better, but I would say in the 10% range.  

Also demo'd some of the Levinson stuff (523, 525), and one of the AR pieces.

I did feel that for me the XP22 was the winner.  It had the clarity of the  Levinson stuff without what I felt were slightly sharp highs of the Levinson.  

Don't get me wrong, the XP32 was a bit better still, but to me, not on the magnitude of the price difference.  The XP12 vs XP22, it was clear cut to me the XP22 was much better.
I ended up with the XP-32 and have not looked back.  Demoed it against the VAC and no comparison on which sounded better to my ears.