Recommend used digital source for $3K used

This spring, I'm planning on being in a position to spend some money on a significant upgrade. One consideration is a new digital source in the "not to exceed" $3K range. I'm currently using a Jolida JD 100 with RCA NOS tubes.

I'm open to both CDP's or transport/DAC options, and already assume I will get the most bang for my buck with a DAC/transport.
I auditioned a few units in that price range -- Linn, Naim and some others.

The Ayre unit was not available at the time and I wish it had been.

I fell for the Electrocompaniet. It has remarkable sound.
I'd give a listen to the Linn Ikemi. Used you can save yourself $1000 and I doubt that extra grand will get you a better player.
I recommend either an older Sony cdp or Accuphase with a good seperate DAC.

Or, buy a CEC TL51xz or another nice CEC transport. Very nice sounding units for less then $3k.

OR! the new Lyngdorf (TACT) CD1...apparently this is stunning.