I need advice on a good value for speakers

I need a new pair of speakers, and I do not want to pay over $1,000 dollars. Any advice on best available would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
the automatic assumption that everything's cheaper online is fallacious--in the auto business, for example, there's all sorts of data that shows that something like 75% of the time you get a better deal from your local dealer than by shopping on the internet. with audio gear, as per markanetz (and especially considering shipping costs) you'll often found better deals at a bricks and mortar store than on the web. i do think that those b&m dealers who refuse to deal/insist on charging MSRP are likely to fail--i think most folks are willing to pay a reasonable premium for personal service, expertise, etc., but will balk at paying an arbitrary premium.
Look into used Snell, Type D and the C series III,IV,and V are all very good and should fit well in your budget range ($500-$1000). I had a pair of the C-V's in my room (15x21x8) for a couple of years and sold them to a friend so I could try horns. They sounded great in my room and still sound great at my friends house.
Good Luck
USED-VA-Bach, Focal 700V series floorstanders
The Bach will be lush but will lack the speed of the Focal and Magnepan. The Bach and MMG will need a minimum of 150w/ch to reach full potential. The Focal mates best with a darker amp-Naim-Roksan-B&K ect.