Office streaming solution?

Currently, in my office, I’m using my iphone to stream via a 8 year old Apple Airport connected, to a DAC, and then to an amp. While this setup has worked reasonably well, the Airport is old and no longer working seamlessly with the latest phone software. E.g. my phone has trouble finding the airport on the network, and it requires multiple restarts of Airport and phone to get them to work together.

I’m looking for a more stable and decent sounding solution.

- Use Audioengine’s B1 Bluetooth to input to my amp
- Bluesound node
- Other ideas???

Thanks for your suggestions.
I use a Matrix Mini-i 3 Pro in a bedroom system. It is a very good DAC for the $800 price. The connectivity options are second to none. They are still working on ROON READY on this unit. It should have been done last month but their other products are ROON READY and this unit will also be ROON READY. 

I am currently streaming my ROON core with a hardwired Ethernet to the DAC and Apple AirPlay2 via my iPhone. Great results and AirPlay2 is ROON READY. Once the Matrix itself is ROON READY I do not need to use Airplay2.

This is my low cost streaming option and it is good. This DAC also has wireless and it works well unit it does not. So I cannot recommend WiFi for this low cost solution.
Is your Airport Express the first or 2nd generation version? The first gen units were not as stable as the 2nd gen units. I currently have 2 Airport Express units (2nd gen) in separate systems and I have no issues with my iPhone or iPad so I suspect there is a problem with your Airport Express or with your network. My iPhone is the latest SE and my wife's is an XR. They both work fine with our Airport Express units. 

Your least expensive solution is to purchase a 2nd gen Airport Express which goes for between $30 to $50 on eBay.

I don't think a  Bluetooth unit will give you as good a quality as WiFi.

By the way, I auditioned a Bluesound Node2 and found that the Airport Express with any of my external DACs sounded better than the Node2 with its internal DAC. Using my external DACs with the Node2, I could not tell any difference. So the DAC is more important for the best sound quality.