Jim, while you mentioned Totem, have you considered (or could you)making use of a small sub backed out of the mix to add a touch of foundation and going with a set of Dreamcatchers?
A fellow out West has a set and also owned a set ob ProAc Tablette II's. He says they are quite similar, but the Totems are a touch less picky about placement off axis with their imaging and the mids are a touch less analytic.
There is a set advertised here for 450 used and there are all kinds of subs around.
Is this something you would consider?
Even the reviewer loved them, save for the bass.
My system was a Canton passive sub with a Crown D150 (of which I might have used 1/4 of). I used to run the levels on the amp about 1/3 open to just add a touch of foundation. The inexpensive nature took nothing away from my system because of this. Even a small powered unit adjusted in this way would be helpful.
What is the rest of your gear?
A fellow out West has a set and also owned a set ob ProAc Tablette II's. He says they are quite similar, but the Totems are a touch less picky about placement off axis with their imaging and the mids are a touch less analytic.
There is a set advertised here for 450 used and there are all kinds of subs around.
Is this something you would consider?
Even the reviewer loved them, save for the bass.
My system was a Canton passive sub with a Crown D150 (of which I might have used 1/4 of). I used to run the levels on the amp about 1/3 open to just add a touch of foundation. The inexpensive nature took nothing away from my system because of this. Even a small powered unit adjusted in this way would be helpful.
What is the rest of your gear?