Rockport Avior?

Does anyone have the specs? Are they out? Anyone heard them??? Look gorgeous....
No- I am thinking about taking the trip to MA to hear them though. Before I do, I want to make sure my wallet can absorb the hit. I don't want to go to Goodwin's in Massachusetts and waste their time if I'm not ready to buy. I have a feeling that I am going to like what I hear, based on hearing the Altair and Arrakis (sp?).
They are about the same load as my Kharmas, so I am sure my current amplification can handle them. I had thought about the getting the Mira, but that would be more of a lateral move. The Avior is reported to be in another league entirely.
Slipknot1...assuming your wallet can handle it, the rest of your system definitely justifies going with the Avior vs. the Mira 2. I don't believe Goodwins has their Avior or Mira 2s yet so I would call them before making the plans to travel to MA to confirm that they are in. Good luck.
Sound Components in Miami has the Mira2 and the Avior in the store at this time, and travel re imburesemt program for out of town buyers.
Sound Components in Miami has the Mira2 and the Avior in the store at this time, and a travel re imburesemt program for out of town buyers.
Hi all - This thread has been quiet for a while, just want to follow up to see if anyone has had the chance to actually audit the Avior yet? I am seriously considering a change in speakers?n I have found this in the What's Best Forum which is not very encouraging about the Avior.

From a PM discussion with WBF member leyenda (posted with his permission):

"I have always admired the Rockport for its bass and mids, but would have liked a bit more sparkle in the highs (somewhat dark sounding as you put it in your post). I thought the Avior would rectify this with its berrylium tweeter so it was on my top shopping list. Turned out the Avior pair I heard had a very different presentation to the usual Rockport house sound so the journey continues."


"The Aviors I heard was in a very small room. Bass was excellent - fast and tight. I even preferred the Avior bass to the Aquilla. Mids and highs were a let down to me. Beefy mids that I always like about the Rockport is gone. Voices that normally sound gorgeous on every models of Rockport from Mira to Altair is gone. I felt it was like a different speaker. The highs from the Berrylium tweeters really did open up, but to my taste, too much so. All in all, I would have accepted the Avior if it had the bass as it is, and the same old mids and highs, no need for that extra sparkle I originally dreamed of. It still sounds more pleasant than, say a Wilson Watt 8 that I really cannot stand listening for a long time, but perhaps my expectation was a bit too high in case of the Avior. The dealer asked me for a second audition, claiming that the speaker and set-up is more refined now, so I might give it another shot."

Appreciate your comments. Thanks