Well, I must say, I think ( no actually, I know) Leyenda has this one completely wrong.
A few months ago I went to Rockport and spent an afternoon and heard the entire line, back to back, in the same room, the same room location, with the same electronics - one right after the other. I heard the Arrakis, then Mira2 then Avor then Altair.
The Avior is not different from the Rockport house sound at all. As a matter of fact, I was stunned and how much the entire line sounded alike - down to the Mira2. The Avior was closer to the $97k Altair than it was compared to the Mira2.
When you do the comparisons in the same room at the same time - things become real clear. You are not listening to a total sound of room, equipment and speaker and trying to figure out what is contributing - when compared like I mentioned, you can be real sure, real quick.