Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
I was hoping to make you aware that you are misunderstood and point out what needs work and it is not because of your language barrier.
If you want to help me feel right to do it....Like i said i prefer to stay friends with all people, except those who bash group of people without reason....

it does seem a bit silly, if not desperate, to claim that one cannot make an opinion, or form an expectation, about something without experiencing it her/himself first.
Anybody can form an opinion WITHOUT trying a product... and everybody MUST do it...No need to experience anything to know what suit ourself....This is common sense.... NO ONE can contradict that....

 Why do you suppose the opposite? 

But entering a thread to bash not only the product but also those who had bought it and speak about it with satisfaction is not only rude it is disrespect or stupidity....Especially if we have never try it....expressing doubts is ok, sarcastically depreciating an unusual audio  product without trying it first has no meaning and is disrespectful........

Is it too complicate to understand?

Myself i dont feel the need to buy anything but i dont feel the right to say that my own creation are superior for example....I am not stupid, not rude, and i have no idea of this product....muting ourself when we dont know is wise....
Have you been told yet today cal3713?

So many condescending people in this thread but I am your target. You need a life and some perspective and perhaps a lesson in objectivity.

Indeed, I definitely need a life.  After my best friend was murdered I lost my dream job, a 17-year academic career, a 5-year relationship, am bored out of my mind, and just had to pack up my system because I'm being forced to risk my life and move across the country for a job that provides zero enjoyment during the middle of the worst health crisis of the past 100 years. 

Regarding perspective, thankfully I've only lost a 93 year old grandmother to covid and actually have a job and get paid so I'm not suffering acutely like so many out there.  So many people are losing dear family members and are worried about feeding their families every day right now...

If you could just reflect on the number of threads you participate in that devolve into unhelpful bickering like this one, I'd really appreciate it.  Obviously others are also guilty, but you really do attack people a lot and then talk about how dumb they are while citing your superior experience and knowledge.  I'm probably just more sensitive to it from you because I got swept up in such accusations a while back, sorry... 

And sorry for the off-topic post folks.  As I said in the "angry audiophile thread" I just wish we could all try to help each other learn about music reproduction without the personal attacks. Education without condescension.  I'll work on getting better at it myself.
@cal3713 indeed, that is a heap of loss and change, tumult packed into a small bit of time. Wisdom in your post. Any help i can give i extend. My best to you

@tomic601 Thanks Jim, I appreciate it.  Everyone suffers intensely in this life and learns to live with it in their own way.  So unfortunate that there's so much pain out there.  At least we've got music.