Does it annoy you when companies don't show the internals of electronics ?

I noticed that merrill audio and mcintosh general don't show all the internals of their electronics. A friend of mine actually asked merrill to see pics of the internals of their amps and pres. The remark from merrill... 'people listen to how they sound they don't look at whats inside.'

But why hide it? Are they trying to protect some secrets of their tech? Might as well just show it... if you have dones something truly exceptional people will appreciate that and its going to be that easy to rip off.
That me no clue.. 39K - 49K for a SS.. LOL. You’re out of your mind.. plain and simple.. I know EXACTLY what I was looking at..

10k max.. For the pair.. Sorry. to hurt your feelings.. I’d take a Pass any day at what 1/8, 1/5 the price.. GET REAL... like paying 5-20K for cables.. just a friggin’ joke.. Good lord.. I have to look myself in the mirror in the morning.. 49k for an amp..

George had a nice pic of a point to point..Yours looks BIG, clumsy, thick.. Sorry.. it may be complicated, sound wonderful, but ART, visually it is NOT... Reminds me of older VTL.. the same BIG clumsy, gaudy look.

I owned Sumos.. LOL, I’ll bet close in design.. fully differential analog. WAY ahead of its time.. I paid 5K for a hand made Preamp and dual monoblocks.. Gaudy as all heck.. Sounded better than any thing I’d ever heard..
James B swore by them.. Ampzilla.. He modded mine.. 2K.... 7K total.. 15 years ago. 49K for an amp.. NO....

BUT I’m sure it sound good.. Kinda like the homely little lady that won the singing competition, I couldn’t look and listen.. she was to darn ugly to tell the truth..

Just like my cousin Ed.. Kinda thick.. Like your amps.. have I pissed off the Pope yet? LOL.. I’m just kidding, kinda. :-) They are just fine.. but that price, Zowee.. What is it German, it can’t be Italian, they are outward artist, ALL the way? They BOTH love the HUGE price tags, just one is Art, one is a Super Tiger Tank is ART?   LOL I don't think so..

Maybe they "just" have a proprietary design that they don't want their competitors to copy.  Think of that!
mahgister4,166 posts01-22-2021 12:40am
Lots of failure points ..
I think you are right even if i am interested by this product...

My actual NOS dac is minimalistic.... I chose it for this reason and the price...Correct me if i am wrong but the noise level of a minimalistic design may help or compensate in some measure for the lack of sophistication.... I am very satisfied by my actual dac anyway.... But the denafrips has glowing reviews indeed...

I am pretty sure that you know more than me about dac by the way..... 😁


The array of resistors is not likely to fail. No thermal stressing. They are central to the design goals or reasons for the DAC being made. In some manner or another, they have to be there. I would do it slightly differently, but that is neither here nor there, regarding basic operational functionality.

Nothing wrong with the resistor array, per se. And we’ve not heard much about failures, have we?

The capacitor arrays, though..could be better considered and better done. But opinions and thinking vary, and that’s a good thing, even if it may grind some.

Too much dogmatic thinking leads to what is eventually circular or curved motions and nothing gets done. There’s no ability to correct the arrow of science when dogma projects control onto science. A place it should not be. Rigor and method? Sure, but dogmatic laws? No.

To be clear (and ramble...), this point is about ’science’. Not ’engineering’--which is a thing that operates under the umbrella of dogma in it’s fundamentals. people get them confused with one another all the time.

Eg, even Elon Musk decided to address that point about two weeks back (via twitter). That is he not a rocket scientist, he’s a rocket engineer. To clarify that there is no such thing as a rocket scientist. Like bridges, you don’t build rockets with ’theories’. You build rockets with facts, as they are tough enough already! Research: "The tyranny of the rocket equation." Space is hard because rockets are barely viable.

Scientists work with theories, which can change, they are mutable, correctable, changeable, amenable to new data, new hypothesis, new projections.... and then to proof them out. to make ’facts’. things that are ’relatively constant’, as... We don’t’ know. We never have known. We logically cannot know.. We can only theorize. Facts don’t exist, only theories exist. The quantum riddle of reality is writ large across science.

But.. to attempt scientific rigor...To make ’facts’ (math, formulas, constants, etc), for the bulk of humanity which possesses dogmatic minds. For the engineers work with facts. To make safe functional ’things’. If engineers begin to experiment to gain new ground... then they are acting like scientists, in some regards. 

Note how ubiquitous that the term ’rocket scientist’ has become. It’s a total misnomer. Fundamentally incorrect. It illustrates how much people project and filter in permanence (some mindsets) or as 'dogma' in their fundamental thinking processes. A hugely damaging innate slowing/blocking filter in the progression of science.

Dogmatic thinking is innate to the concept of space-time and atomic aggregates, as we know it... or innate to how we filter ourselves into being... though the mechanism of mind... as tied to the atomic reality and relativity we live collectively in and though. (the animal basis and side of the fundamentals/projection of 'human consciousness' in the relative world and relative reality) 

Science says the same as the sex pistols regarding too much dogmatic mindset trying to control and corrupt science: 'No future, no future'....