looking for a Integrated amp $6,000 range

I'm looking for a Integrated amp without DAC any suggestions ? 
Luxman/Accuphase, are they full of Chinese parts ? Hegel must be too.

here we go with this nonsense again
I went through this exercise in Oct.
Went with Prima Luna Evo 400 over Cary Sli80.  Love it.

CODA CSiB for 6K is the best deal in hifi integrateds.

18 watts of Class 8 and it doubles down its 150 watts Class A/B @ 8 ohms into 4 and 2 ohms.

No global feedback so no stripping of detail or harmonics.

Build quality is awesome, 10 year warranty and 50% guaranteed trade in value.

Legacy and CODA are made for each other, seems they often use each other at shows.

Auditioned LTA, Odyssey, Pass and Lyngdorf in A-B comparisons in my own home. Plus a couple more. Room got quite crowded for a while! And Lyngdorf just to give Digital a shot but thinking it had zero chance with my anti-digital amp bias. Lyngdorf bested them all to my shock and surprise. Closest thing to a wire with gain. I don't like the tube distortion sound and the lyngdor was more accurate than any of the SS analog amps I auditioned. But the Pass was a close second. PLUS you don't need to spend thousands more on good quality DAC. Generally that will free up another $2K for other investments.
All that said, the LTA offering was awesome looking. I was definitely rooting for it to win. LOL. I may yet buy a tube amp and just plug it in and let it glow for a visual effect.