Looking for a CD player

Dear community,
I listen to CDs only and I have owned an entry level AMC CD9 CD player for the past 15 years.
Over time I modified this unit to the max with very good results.
Now I think I am ready to move on to the next level so I am looking for a used CD player under $1,500.
One that can be further improved would be also interesting.
Do you have any suggestions?
"How about the border patrol dac? Any experience?"
Yes. In fact I upgraded from a CD player at $1500 by getting the Border Patrol SE DAC. It was a sizable step up. I still use the Cd player (LM-215) as the transport. Love it.
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1. Is your system on the warm side or detailed side?
2. Do you require a remote control or is this mainly for the CD player?
3. Are you OK buying used or does it have to be new?
4. Does the finish matter? Silver or black?
1. warm2. no need for remote3. i'm fine with used although it seems DAC chips are improving constantly4. no preference
looking at the new Gustard X16 right now> https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/gustard-x16-balanced-mqa-dac-review.17419...
Bel Canto DAC 2.7 and their CDt3 make a great combo. One remote controls all functions of the DAC and CD transport. I use the AES out from the CDt3 to the DAC 2.7. CDt3 uses a Sanyo slot loading mechanism