Schiit Freya+ or Saga+? Vidar or Aegir?

I listen at moderate volumes in a smallish room, 15x15 with a 10’ ceiling. My single driver speakers are 95db efficient. I’m a bit confused about which amp/preamp pairing to run with. 

The Saga+ preamp has 0 gain. The Freya+ preamp has 12db in tube active mode. The Vidar amp has 100W per channel into 8ohms (which my speakers are) and 27db of gain while the Aegir has 20W per channel into 8 ohms and 22db of gain. 

I’m a bit dense as regards the necessity of gain in the preamp relative to the amp and speaker efficiency so I’m not sure which pairing suits my needs. I’ll never need all 100W of the Vidar but I wonder if that and a pre with 0 gain is a better pairing than the Freya/Aegir. 

Any input? 
Interesting. I really struggled to find someone with the Saga/Aegir pairing but lo and behold, here you are. I hope you don’t mind a few questions!

—What is the sensitivity rating of your speakers?

—What have you noticed about tube mode in Saga+? 

I’ve read things ranging from “Saga tube mode is indistinguishable from passive mode” to “it’s great with the right tube”.

People talk about the Freya+ as having a more robust tube mode that has more of an effect on sound than the Saga+ but I’m not sure that I’d even want that. 
I’m using Zu Omen DW rated 97dB

I’m have an NOS tube in now and there is more of a difference, but with the stock tube the passive really was pretty close. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I have issues with any kind of increased noise floor and am still new to tubes so I was worried about that initially. The major difference would be the output impedance. In the passive mode output impedance can be up to 4.8kohm. The tube mode is only 180 ohms. So it depends on your amp. The Aegir and Vidar are both only 22kohm input impedance, so a passive probably wouldn’t be a good match, especially at low volumes. I had the Saga+ first to use with a new tube power amp instead of using the pre out of my old SS integrated. Playing around with it I actually preferred the sound of the Saga+ both into the tube amp as well as into the integrated. I just left the volume on the integrated to be close to the same gain as the tube amp so I didn’t get any surprises when switching. There is just a subtle sparkle that I enjoy more with the Saga+ in the circuit. I bought the Aegir to get an idea of what a Class A SS might sound like without spending big bucks yet. I’m in an accumulate equipment and experiment phase, exploring what is there with the intention of eventually having a main and secondary system. I have no doubt I’ll eventually upgrade from the Saga+, but I can’t point to anything it’s doing wrong. It was supposed to be a short term solution, but I’m in no rush to pick a replacement without learning a lot more about what I’m looking for.
larshepping OP

If you have 95db efficient speaker, then probably all you need is the Class-A Aegir. If you have under 90db then the Vidar.

But if you have the money and speakers that have two sets of speaker terminals (highs/lows), then an Aegir on the highs and a Vidar on the lows.
And because they won't be the same gain a $49 Schiit Sys passive on the louder amp to equalize it down to the quieter amp.
Then a Schiit Freya as the preamp volume control for all of it.

Cheers George     
I have a Saga+ and a single Aegir running my 88 dB sensitive Ohm 1000 speakers. I moved to this combo after using a much higher power Hypex Class D amp. At my preferred listening volume (around 85 dB max average), the Saga/Aegir combo has more body and clarity than the Hypex.  I sold my Hypex.

I was initially worried that the Aegir might not have enough power, so I used my VTVM to monitor the amp's output into the speakers while I listened. On average, I was only using about a quarter of the amp's power at my loudest listening level with peaks running only to half power. The amp showed no audible signs of not having enough power. 

Now, if my preferred listening volume was in the mid-90 dB range or higher, the Aegir would run out of gas for me. However, with your 95 dB efficient speakers, you should be fine unless you listen at extremely loud levels. 

Whether the 0 dB gain of the Saga+ will be sufficient or whether you'll want the extra gain of the Freya depends in large part on the voltage output of your music sources. If your DAC, tape deck, tuner or phono preamp put out 2 volts or more at peak volume, then you should be OK with the Saga.  Currently, Schiit says Sagas are in stock and can ship immediately while Freya's are back-ordered and won't be available until late March.  With Schiit's 15 trial polcy, you could try out a Saga knowing you could return it for only a 5% restocking fee if it doesn't work for you. (The web site says Aegirs are in production and should ship in a week or so.)
Thanks for all the input!

My speakers only have one pair of binding posts so bi-wiring or bi-amping isn’t an option, alas. 

So how does one find out or determine the output voltage of a component? In my head all components are at a standard voltage level so I guess I’ve got some research to do?

I have these sensitive speakers but I get caught up in all the discussion about amps and components.

Some people say that any amp operating outside of it’s clipping zone will sound the same as any other as long as it’s well designed. Some people say that every amp has its own different sound signature...“more bass, more heft, more clarity, etc.” And it goes back and forth about confirmation bias vs. measurements. Argh!!!

I’ve been around the internets the last day or so and some say having lots of overhead in watts is great (buy Vidar) others say lower watt amps are better because they’re “cleaner” or whatever (buy Aegir).