larshepping OP
If you have 95db efficient speaker, then probably all you need is the Class-A Aegir. If you have under 90db then the Vidar.
But if you have the money and speakers that have two sets of speaker terminals (highs/lows), then an Aegir on the highs and a Vidar on the lows.
And because they won't be the same gain a $49 Schiit Sys passive on the louder amp to equalize it down to the quieter amp.
Then a Schiit Freya as the preamp volume control for all of it.
Cheers George
If you have 95db efficient speaker, then probably all you need is the Class-A Aegir. If you have under 90db then the Vidar.
But if you have the money and speakers that have two sets of speaker terminals (highs/lows), then an Aegir on the highs and a Vidar on the lows.
And because they won't be the same gain a $49 Schiit Sys passive on the louder amp to equalize it down to the quieter amp.
Then a Schiit Freya as the preamp volume control for all of it.
Cheers George