Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.

I believe you’re still missing the point. As you say, none of that matters when you cut to the chase. It’s a business at the end of the day. How an artist gets paid. That’s his prerogative on how he negotiates his contract to get paid. His finances should be the last thing I need to worry about. That’s what his attorneys are for. What’s  funny is that I remember similar conversations about the argument on the rights to SACD and before that CD’s. Oh, and don’t forget about the IPod classic. I remember when Wadia came out with a docking station and all of a sudden we were all in. It’s amazing how we forget about our past. Another point is you can have what one may call the best Board/ recording engineers in the world but 2 individuals will here the same song at the same time differently. It’s how we absorb and process information different from one another. It’s human motor learning behavior. Who are we to force our notion of what’s right or the best with music, engineers, artists, etc. The more I think about it, the more we are approaching the art world on how we think and discriminate an artist, their music, the composer, etc. Enjoy you music however you like because I definitely do. Being a former DJ who can appreciate all types of music allows me to be a sponge and absorb information. For the newbies who are getting into HiFi Audio, it’s great to ask questions or get specific opinions but at the end of the day, it’s your money. Spend it how you want. Don’t get caught up in the theatricals. 
I listen to TIDAL, Qobuz With MQA and Hi Res, Albums with a Turntable, CD’s (Redbook & SACD), Reel to Reel and Tuner (FM Radio, HD). I’m very flexible and enjoy switching from one source to another. I have a pretty extensive system and I’m very fortunate.
Sorry to be this "real", but Neil is far from a recording perfectionist so I doubt there is any discernible difference between his "masters" and Tidal's offerings.  It sound's like Neil's getting to be a bit of a curmudgeon in his old age.

grab em by the free world....well i don’t think King Dotard who hijacked the song said that...he did say something else...

and i know the stacked set of monitors he uses ( for the spl ) and who delivered them to his studio and how revealing they, he can still hear..and discern..

crank up Cortez...... 
While I've never been a big fan of Neil's music, I love that he IS passionate about the final sound of his music.  Too many artists don't have control over the final sound, and are not thrilled with it, or simply don't care about it.  
My experience with MQA is that I don't find it to sound better than the non-MQA version (it's just a little different).  Usually, the MQA version is a recent 'very loud' mastered version of an album, and if I'm able to find a 20yr old version of the same album, it sounds better with greater dynamic range, and thus more true to the original.
I agree with the technical benefits of the MQA codec process, but I usually don't like mastering that they do before the encoding, so it's garbage in, garbage out.   
TIDAL is the only streaming service i've had so far, and it's OK, but it leaves me frustrated.  I'm almost ready to try another.  Their automated tracklists are stagnant and repetitive.  The Track Radio feature could be great, but its selections are very narrow, and don't change enough from day to day. I don't understand how, with millions of songs to choose from, what it chooses to play for me is boring.     
The post is not about Neil Young so much as a content creator thinks that Tidal sux.
Go Qobuz.