Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris
Dream on Eric you have no ears, it has problems, and Techincs have gone the distance in the SE-R1 in curing one of them it with 3 x higher switching speed (1.5mhz) and so 3 x higher low order output filter, as not to introduce any phase shift down into the audio band, without the need to increase any global feedback as some do, which we all know, large amount of feedback is not a good thing.
Also Class-D has problems with low impedance loads, that’s why you never see independent tests showing the 2ohm wattage almost doubling the 4ohm wattage. Even the Technics SE-R1 still has this problem. You have no idea!
...that’s why you never see independent tests showing the 2ohm wattage almost doubling the 4ohm wattage. Even the Technics SE-R1 still has this problem...

The H2O does it easily, that is drive 1-ohm Scintillas, not necessarily double down to even 2-ohms as no such spec is given by Henry. It uses a linear power supply, but it can't be as simple as that. It must be of some good quality and design.
And it does it with old ICE modules no less! I would look forward to henry's design of a Purifi version but he's hardly in this business as it is.
that is drive 1-ohm Scintillas
Yes many can "handle" but have pitiful current, because some even have trouble equalling the 4ohm wattage with a 2 ohm load, let alone trying to double. Some even go backwards!!
And as for 1ohm, again they might "handle" it without it dying.

But compare it to a Classic Krell or similar and see which sounds better at 1ohm or 2ohm!

That's why you'll never see independent measurements on Class-D showing it can "almost" double the 4ohm into 2ohm and again into 1ohm from 2 ohm.

Cheers George
Georgy porgy with his ongoing illogical attacks on class D born out of ignorance. You really would look less foolish if you educated yourself Sun"don't"shine.

Your the fool sunshine, for accepting Class-D the way it is, it has a long way to go to equal the likes of Krell, ML, A’gostino, Gryphon ect, as it is it will only ever be mid-fi if the two problems I mentioned above do not get improved on.
Technics has fixed one of those problems in the SE-R1 Class-D, and "maybe" also the cheaper integrated SU-R1000
And it will never be able to drive magnificent yet very hard to drive speakers like Wilson Alexia’s, like a big Krell, ML, A’gostino, Gryphon ect ect ect can.