Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris
...that’s why you never see independent tests showing the 2ohm wattage almost doubling the 4ohm wattage. Even the Technics SE-R1 still has this problem...

The H2O does it easily, that is drive 1-ohm Scintillas, not necessarily double down to even 2-ohms as no such spec is given by Henry. It uses a linear power supply, but it can't be as simple as that. It must be of some good quality and design.
And it does it with old ICE modules no less! I would look forward to henry's design of a Purifi version but he's hardly in this business as it is.
that is drive 1-ohm Scintillas
Yes many can "handle" but have pitiful current, because some even have trouble equalling the 4ohm wattage with a 2 ohm load, let alone trying to double. Some even go backwards!!
And as for 1ohm, again they might "handle" it without it dying.

But compare it to a Classic Krell or similar and see which sounds better at 1ohm or 2ohm!

That's why you'll never see independent measurements on Class-D showing it can "almost" double the 4ohm into 2ohm and again into 1ohm from 2 ohm.

Cheers George
Georgy porgy with his ongoing illogical attacks on class D born out of ignorance. You really would look less foolish if you educated yourself Sun"don't"shine.

Your the fool sunshine, for accepting Class-D the way it is, it has a long way to go to equal the likes of Krell, ML, A’gostino, Gryphon ect, as it is it will only ever be mid-fi if the two problems I mentioned above do not get improved on.
Technics has fixed one of those problems in the SE-R1 Class-D, and "maybe" also the cheaper integrated SU-R1000
And it will never be able to drive magnificent yet very hard to drive speakers like Wilson Alexia’s, like a big Krell, ML, A’gostino, Gryphon ect ect ect can.
When you get a chance, check out: Class D Audio.
I have the SDS470C, it uses the TI (Texas Instruments) Class D module.
VERY robust amp. Without the harsh highs. 
