Can the top end of a PrimaLuna Evo integrated be tamed w/tube rolling?

This weekend I have a PrimaLuna Evo 3 as a house guest to compare with my Supernait 3 solid state integrated. Both are about the same price, basically tube vs solid state. I am a big fan of the Naim PRaT but I also find the depth and transparency of tubes very engaging. The Evo integrated on its own lacks the rhythm and pace of the Naim but it does have transparency and imaging in spades.

So the idea is maybe run an Evo 3 preamp instead along with a Naim 250 (or just use the amp section of the Supernait).

But one problem I cannot get over is that there is a very fatiguing high end to the Evo 3. Cymbals, snare drums, top edge of distorted guitars, etc are pretty harsh at any volume higher than background music. To compare, my vintage Luxman valve preamp into the SN3 does not have this quality (but it lacks the refinement of the PrimaLuna).

It would be ideal to do some tube rolling to get the best of all worlds... is there a tube selection that could work with the Evo preamp that would tame the harsher high end and smooth out the sound a little bit on top? Or is this just a part of the PrimaLuna signature?
@ps that is helpful, thanks. I wonder if my problem is that I’m just A/B comparing to the Naim amp which is more rolled off on the top end and seems a bit smoother (yet less immersive and more laid back).

I have swapped out the stock driver 12AU7s for the Mullards I have. It does sound a little less toppy and also strangely enough the balance is more centered.

The Evo 300 I am listening to is a floor demo incidentally which runs about 8-9 hours a day for the past 3 months, so well broken in at this point.
@tvad yes they are 6ohm speakers and I think I am getting best results with the 4ohm taps.
Hi OP,
If it's using Solen's then absolutely.  Rather than listen to me though, see if you can find the thread of the A'goner who went through several iterations. 
