Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
Any rethoric coming from you will never change the fact that almost ALL customers buying these products were satisfied...

Then without any means nor desire to verify by yourself, except suggestion, supposition, and sophism, you insinuate that all the buyers communicating in these threads suffers collective hypnosis or collective placebo effect....

Like turntable owners suffering from deluded ignorance of a theorem...

You stir a pot of yours that is very revealing of you....Not of the product that i never bought myself anyway....

But i prefer to trust people testimonies than "deductions" around a void of experience....

let alone measure it to show effectiveness
How in the hell do you measure for example the effect of a piece shungite compressing the sound when put on an amplifier?

With an apparatus devised by your genius? Try your ears....

I dont doubt that a scientific explanation of these fact exist by the way, but i dont know it myself and i doubt that you know it....

Anyway you will not even try, you only trust a few equations written in a book you learned longtime ago....But reality dont hide behind few equations...It is only a veil or some glass man put in front of his eyes to use nature...Useful indeed but it is not reality, some equations are only arrangement in the mariage of man and reality....

Your attitude is to science what religion is to spirituality more a burden than wings....

«My equations are not your tamed dogs but dragons» An anonymus mathematician to an anonymus engineer

«Why dont you have any mathematical books in your house asked a journalist to Alexander Grothendieck? I never read mathematical books, i wrote them...» -Real anecdote

«Where these equations nobody could even dream about comes from, ask Geoffrey Hardy to Ramanujan ? From the goddess Namagiri Thayar in my dreams answered the greatest mathematician since Archimedes and Gauss...
Post removed 
"...almost ALL customers buying these products were satisfied..."

It does say a lot about customer satisfaction, but does not say anything about performance of the product. Those two are not the same issue.

Many people continue liking products that are not the greatest in many ways and many people dread products that perform well.
There is one place the PPE products DO NOT work correctly-MAGNETS.  The E-Mats absolutely made a sonic difference in my system even though I didn't use them.   My system has small magnets in various locations in my system which are proprietary (no, not the HUGE in line magnets of High Fidelity cables) with paired metals.   
So after hearing Frank tell me they work great on speakers I tried it and sure enough they do. But having a Mat taped on the side looks dumb, even for me, and besides the outside of the cabinet is pretty far from the drivers and wires. So the drivers came out and the Mats were cut up and wrapped around the driver magnets. Huge improvement. Much better.

A magnet when you think about it is nothing more than a static electromagnetic field. No different in principle from the fluctuating electromagnetic field we call music. No idea what your small magnets are doing but around great big speaker magnets they are great. Worked great on the Talons, working great on the Tektons.