Raven Osprey vs Octave 110 with low sensitivity speakers

I’m wondering if anyone out there has experience running the Raven Osprey into low sensitivity speakers. I have a pair of Boenicke W5’s that are some of the most amazingly life-like speakers I auditioned in the hunt, and with breathtaking soundstage—in an amazingly small solid wood cabinet. The price you pay is that these 4 ohm speakers are extremely hard to drive: 83-86 dB sensitivity—and I have them in quite a large, open room. Right now they are driven by a Parasound Halo integrated which does a fantastic job in powering them, but I’m in search of even more resolution and detail, and also did want to give tubes a try. My choices are used Octave V 110 SE vs Raven Osprey. The Octave definitely has the power, but I’m told might not be quite as resolving in the upper registers. The Raven Osprey is a lower power unit, but does have the subwoofer bypass that allows me to take some of the load off of the amp (a digression on Boenicke customer service: Sven Boenicke was kind enough to personally go through my room characteristics and set-up to advise on speaker placement and sub integration—although he seemed a bit sad that I’d risk corrupting his sublime bass characteristics with an outboard!). The Octave is a known, the Raven would be unknown since I can’t audition and would have to deal with the hassle of returning/restock: is it just asking too much of the Osprey to power these little beasts? Is the Octave a no-brainer?
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The Osprey will sound awesome with those speakers, but probably not at a very satisfying level. You have fallen into the trap of buying unsuitable speakers. I know what you mean. I once hear Eggleston Works speakers sound so good I was smitten. Very expensive, but thought totally worth it. Until found they were 87dB or something like that. Nope. No way. Cross them off the list. Smart move. One of many. I would go for the Osprey. Not because it will have the power to drive your speakers. But because it will motivate you to find better ones.
I have heard that Octave and it is sweet. I've never heard the Raven. I did hear the Octave driving some low eff Dyn Contours and it was very sweet. Handled them wonderfully with no problems at high levels in a large room. 
MC, I am chuckling— I swear, I KNEW you would reproach the speaker choice! But mofojo makes me feel better...and just saying, the Boenicke’s seem to defy the laws of physics: that sound from that box?