Some DACs I am Considering-Any thoughts?

Soekris 2541                $1.1

Doge 7                         $1.2

Mhdt Pagoda               $1.4

Denafrips Pontus         $1.8

Audio Mirror SE           $2.5

Holo Audio Spring 2    $2.7

Audio Note 4.1 Kit       $3.6

Lampizator Amber 3    $3.8

Anyone who can speak from experience  about comparisons
between any two these?

I like the use of a tube and I like the R2R style of build.

Prefer to stay under $2.5 but might be swayed.

Thanks in advance for sharing.

(Some of these prices are certainly not correct)
I cant comment on the equipment on your list, but can offer an opinion on Wyred 4 Sound Dac, on my second one as i upgraded From the original to the DAC-2v2SE . They are definitively worth a look  with balanced outputs and up gradable  but no tubes in circuit. I preferred this one over my sim audio dac
Depends on the rest of your equipment. I found that tubed DACs made little difference to my tubed pre and power set up. I tried Denafrips Pontus and MHDT Orchid and Pagoda before settling for a Pure Audio Lotus 5 , which is a delta sigma DAC. It added a little bit of detail to the tube sound. 
I have the wyred for sound 10th anniversary dac. It is one of the most analog and natural sounding dacs I've heard. The reviewer said the same thing and I totally agree.
I have a little experience with this. I own both the Denefrips Ares and the Holo Audio May Level II. The May is significantly better, though it is also significantly more expensive. Whether you want to pay the extra freight is a value judgment you'll have to make. My guess is that the Pontus outperforms the Ares but I don't imagine it is by a significant margin, but the Pontis would be a reasonable choice.

I have no experience with the other models.