By using xlr interconnects your db output is 2 x as much ,the volume pot on the Joule also seems to be much less ,
with speakers this efficient did the dealer give you a 30day audition for comparability ? You should try a pr of rca interconnects , just to see how much gain and if thisis then suitable , if not the preamp is not a good match and needs to go
back ,or sell it , Don Sachs would build your custom preamp
to have ample gain , for I doubt the AR volume control is a shunt, resistive ladder type, Aron Sachs uses a A Khozmo which I have used several times , if you want a true top of the Line RaduTarta
builds DHT custom preamps using all top transformers and
can build to your amplifiers output for $5k you can have a preamp
with far superior parts quality.I know for not only do I know about
modding or upgrades for years ,but he is a 40 year expert in vacuum tube equipment SET amplifiers , and DHT preamps are by far the purest but. Incredible build quality and musicality ,even the exterior can be custom wood or metal and he uses several excellent brand volume attenuators , which can make or break
your preamp , for your speakers you have Waay too much gain
in all honesty you-should have agreat 8 watt set amp , your speakers use only 3-4 watts ,the gain is high ,any speaker with over 100 db efficiency , made for a high quality low power amp .
SSamps typically have too much gain send Nelson Pass a Email
See what he would do , his great 20 watt amps for around $4k
woould be ideal ,not 60wpc . Send Nelson an email he will help you things out . If you want a great vacuum tube preamp,or SET
tube amp Radu Tarta without any hesitation ,and per $dollar spent
by far the best parts quality ,for he builds each one by hand
and no dealer markup . You discuss what your budget max is
and then take it from there , do a search ,build quality for a life time at very fair prices.
with speakers this efficient did the dealer give you a 30day audition for comparability ? You should try a pr of rca interconnects , just to see how much gain and if thisis then suitable , if not the preamp is not a good match and needs to go
back ,or sell it , Don Sachs would build your custom preamp
to have ample gain , for I doubt the AR volume control is a shunt, resistive ladder type, Aron Sachs uses a A Khozmo which I have used several times , if you want a true top of the Line RaduTarta
builds DHT custom preamps using all top transformers and
can build to your amplifiers output for $5k you can have a preamp
with far superior parts quality.I know for not only do I know about
modding or upgrades for years ,but he is a 40 year expert in vacuum tube equipment SET amplifiers , and DHT preamps are by far the purest but. Incredible build quality and musicality ,even the exterior can be custom wood or metal and he uses several excellent brand volume attenuators , which can make or break
your preamp , for your speakers you have Waay too much gain
in all honesty you-should have agreat 8 watt set amp , your speakers use only 3-4 watts ,the gain is high ,any speaker with over 100 db efficiency , made for a high quality low power amp .
SSamps typically have too much gain send Nelson Pass a Email
See what he would do , his great 20 watt amps for around $4k
woould be ideal ,not 60wpc . Send Nelson an email he will help you things out . If you want a great vacuum tube preamp,or SET
tube amp Radu Tarta without any hesitation ,and per $dollar spent
by far the best parts quality ,for he builds each one by hand
and no dealer markup . You discuss what your budget max is
and then take it from there , do a search ,build quality for a life time at very fair prices.