The CeLests are now on sale for $3995 as of 1.23.21.
Can you confirm these are rear ported? I'm assuming they are but they only say they're ported and I can't tell where the port is.
Economical full-range floor-standing speaker options?
You might consider getting a set of Swarm subwoofers ( These are compact and will take care of everything below about 60-70Hz down to 20Hz, with evenly distributed bass throughout the room. Once you have that sorted (bass is the hardest part and usually the most expensive issue with most speakers) its fairly easy to find a 2-way speaker that is highly resolving and easy to drive that can go down to 50-60Hz. Since bass is omnidirectional below 80Hz (unless your room is ballroom sized or larger) getting it all to blend is easy, and the Swarms won't attract attention to themselves. |
LSA 20 Statements "Living Sounds Audio, now owned by Underwood Hi-Fi, is really impressing the staff here over the last year with its growing stable of excellent products, and the Statement 20 is a prime example of why. For a mere $6K you get a big, beautiful speaker (BBS?) that is equally adept at playing all sorts of music. “They are beautiful to behold, and also possess a sonic ‘rightness’ that both excites and soothes [our] spirit.” The LSA-20 Statement is on sale thru the end of the year at only $3299.00 delivered for the pair. Read it at: hth |