Professional Identification help needed!

Recently purchased this amplifier off of an auction site. Any idea who was the manufacturer of this unit? Auction number 164639221826. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Google "Auction number 164639221826".  Click on the link " Norman Laboratories Amplifier". This is the amp wturkey is asking about
Yes. Norman Laboratories, to my knowledge and research, produced no amplifiers. It was suggested that this may be a Musical Design unit. They have been contacted with photos. Eagerly awaiting a response.  
So it was auctioned on EBay? Why didn't OP say "I bought it on EBay, here is the auction number". That is the weirdest thing, to be able to put in an auction number and find out what's going on an EBay. 
That is a serious search engine..

I'm glad OP didn't get an old surplus, Minuteman Missile, nuke still intact... "Clean up on isle 13" for sure.. What's that button do? :-)

Big hole left in downtown anywhere.. LOL Nice cloud, mushroom, right?
I'll never forget "do not look directly into the blast sight", may cause a sunburn..

I did get an old nuke gyroscope end bearing off eBay, once.

I bought it as it was made from machined beryllium, and no one knew what it was.