Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
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Toss a couple of these refrigerator mats on the doors of your Tesla and get  200 more miles per charge. 

You will note my initial comments were purely about the product, and what it would or could do, and the apparent technical capabilities of the company.
surely you are joking?

The product is such that no one here can know how it work....The formula is unknown...

And you are a infaillible "genius" speaking only about secondary things not related to this formula and you called that intelligent criticism without having the product and no idea which is in it?

Criticizing the support of the product to be a refrigerator magnetic mat is an argument?

If they are going to act like audiophile "gods"
Now you attributed a quality that Oregonpapa never attributed to himself, he is just an audio enthusiast who stumble on a probably good product then why so desperate unjust attacks?

Oregonpapa by the way is more modest than i am....I will take the attack on myself....😁

But after discussing with audiodesign i discover being myself almost modest....

HOWEVER, some (the usual suspects), attacked me personally
Now attacking all people for being satisfied customers and audiophile, you are the victim?

think about that:

You affirm to someone you dont know, who is friendly and polite always, that the product he bought is trash, his room is trash, his speakers are trash, and you accuse him of boasting himself being an audiophile god?

That speak volume about your character....

Think about that.....

Toss a couple of these refrigerator mats on the doors of your Tesla and get 200 more miles per charge.
why so much hate?

I dont partake at all millercarbon political ideas....Is it necessary to bash anything he touch to express hate?

I cannot adress all injust attack by stupidity....Are we human or idiot for life?

It seems that it is normal in this world.....