anyone try powered Mackie Hd1531 for home use?

Tired of tough to drive speakers and limited SPL levels so gonna audition these and see how it sounds. Anyone with experience? Thanks
I use inexpensive powered monitors from M-Audio in my home studio and in a couple of Sonos remote zones. They're very good in the applications for which I use them and I suspect that better examples of the breed would be be a good value choice in a 2 channel set-up. The top end (and often very expensive) powered pro monitors have sounded very, very good to me when I've heard them in (in commercial studio environments).
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Make sure you get them on stands to raise them to the correct height. I don't think pole-mount stands would be appropriate quality for this purpose. The listening position should be far enough away such that the drivers integrate properly.

I use JBLs (PRX412M) on Target stands in a 11' x 14.5' room with listening position about 9' away from them. No subs used. They are passive and I drive them with a Crown XLS 2500 power amp. They rock.

PA speakers don't usually have the detail of a good studio monitor but for much rock music that can be a good thing.